Monday 14 November 2011


It is the will of God for everybody to live good and be successful in whatever they do.
The secrets of success is blown open in this write up please read it and follow the principles and your life, business and career will not remain the same.
Success is the achievement of what you want or intend. In other words it can also mean achieving your target goals or when you get to the peak of your career. If you have the effect or result you intended then you can say you are successful.
However, success is a thing that starts from the human mind that is “The Inner Man” God has given every man that ability i.e. the ability to think and to conceive something (Idea) into the mind.
When God created man into this world he gave him the authority (Dominion) to recreate it. That is the reason why every physical thing that you can see around was first conceived in the mind of the inventor then he works on his idea and at the end something is created that makes life better. For instance in the cell phone accessories, there is a particular part called the handset, this handset is the mindset of somebody.
Napoleon Hill says in his book “Think and Grow Rich” and I quote him “Whatsoever the mind can conceive it can achieve”
There is a time between the moment the idea is conceived in the mind and when success is achieved from it, during this time there will be some ups and downs, This factors I will reveal to you as you read on and you will see the reason why you must be successful (achieve your goals, get to the peak of your career) despite all odds.

An idea is a plan or suggestion which usually come as a result of thinking. Idea comes from God, It does not come from east, west, north or south so don’t go anywhere looking for idea, As a Christian I get my own idea during or after some spiritual exercise like praying, meditating on the word of God.

N.B: Anybody can receive from God an idea that will change his/her life or career for the best, it does not matter your level of education, even if you do not have much formal education. We have great people like Abraham Lincoln, Bill Gates who does not have much formal education but made great impact in the area of leadership and innovations.
Do you need an idea that will turn your life around for the best? Get close to God and you will get it.
Let me reveal a secret that worth a million dollar to you:
If you are currently working for an organization be it government or corporate what you are doing is that you are contributing your own quota to the success (Idea, goal) of the owner of that organization. I am not condemning working for organizations, definitely not am just trying to reveal a fact.
A huge number of people going to school these days have that mentality of graduating and applying for a job. Only few, I mean very little will find out what they are destined to do.

You must wish and have a strong hope to be successful, after you might have receive your idea then you will always see the end from the beginning i.e. your point of success.

This is a supernatural force that will give you a strong feeling and confidence that you will get to the point of success in whatever you do. Faith is a factor that ignites your passion.

This is a very crucial point on the ladder of success as it goes a long way in closing or enlarging the gap between the moment you receive your idea and the point of success. Definite decision can make you build courage and improve your personal life you can see more on: accepting to improve your personal life  on my webpage @

This is the determination to achieve your goal (be successful) despite all odds i.e to try again whenever will fail. When you fail at something that does not make you a failure it only gives you an opportunity to try again using a better option or approach until you get your desired result. We have a lesson to learn here from great inventors like Thomas Edison (The man who invented the electric bulb) He tried over a thousand times before he could get it right.
I read the story of a young girl who went to meet the owner of a farm nearby and demanded for 5cents, the farmer refuse to give her, yelling at her: I don’t have please go away” he said but this little girl insisted she want the money and will not leave until she get what she want. At this point the farmer was angry and threatened to shoot the girl if he came back and meet her there, as he went inside to take his gun. When he came back with his gun he was surprise to see this young girl still standing there, then she look at her, drop the gun, dip his hand into his pocket and gave her the 5cents. She got what she want because she was persistent.

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